Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Wall in Kuma Adamé

Walls have never been something that I would give a good recommendation to. Walls seperate, they divide and they simply and silently scream, "KEEP OUT"! Walls do have some benefits like keeping intruders out and the family dog in.

I recently traveled to a remote village near the town of Kpalimé. It is nestled in the mountains where the air is cooler and the villagers are true villagers. There was something inside of me that was needing to get alone for some time with God. So with a supply of water, and my backpack I headed to the village for 5 days of mental shutdown.

Being an avid hiker the feel of the mountains gives me the John Denver "Sunshine on my shoulders" kind of happiness. You know the kind of feeling that you get while hiking the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Memories of my good friend Brad Gilliland made me long for home. Brad and I hiked all over Rocky Mountain Natl Park a few years back. He is a good mountain buddy!

I treked all over the village mountain range discovering all types of people and food. In the pictures you will see a couple of school kids that I met on the path.

I could not help to think of the thousands of children in Uganda who ran on paths such as I walked hiding from the rebels who hunted them down during the bloody war a few years back.

Back to the wall, every afternoon and evening a knock would come to my door. It was the neighbors bringing me some lunch or dinner. The first night it came at 8 pm. There is no electricity in the village; so with a candle I was trying to make out what lurked in the pot. It appeared to be a corn mush and some ground nut sauce. To this day I do not know what meat dwelt in that dish. Possibly goat or bush rat.

Day 2 came and again another meal. This time some rice with red sauce, again undescribable meat.

Walls are desgined to keep thing out or to keep things in. My wall was different. Every night when the villagers would go to sleep I would sneak to the wall and shuck the food over into the African darkness.

You ask, "Did you eat any of it?" my answer, "Yes, I did."

Did I get sick? Well lets say I have spent the last 5 days drinking lots of water, and eating light. The bathroom has replaced the security of the wall.

So if you are ever in a village, do not drink the water, keep away from meat that is unrecongnizable and live within the confines of a wall.

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