Je suis très contente! (I am very happy!)
Hello to all our great friends and family. May has proved to be full of lots of fun activities. Or maybe it is just that I am getting use to things here and I am much braver to venture out. Of course our French studies continue to take precedence over any activities we do. Everyday, French! Ken and I have finally come to the realization that this language absolutely has no absolutes. It’s as fluid as water and is just as hard to contain.
Today was girls shopping day. We were so excited when we saw a Macey’s and even a Banana Republic. I can’t really
Beach time is always a favorite. When I am missing home, I especially like to go to the beach and sit on the rocks with the waves crashing below might feet. I stare straight out only seeing the ocean-blue (Atlantic) with Africa behind me. It’s my time, just me and God, and He talks to me. I never leave there not feeling strengthened and comforted. Don’t take this wrong, I love Africa, I just equally miss my family and friends.
New friends are always a blessing. Danielle is a beautiful young lady from the Netherlands God has brought into our lives. She is such a delight to be around and is very anxious to learn more about Jesus. And she speaks English! Being able to communicate and teach her has been very timely a breath of fresh air.
I am sad to say that it is near the time for Jennifer to leave us. I am cherishing every moment I have with her. I am thankful that God has allowed her to be with us this year. My prayer is that it has forever changed her and has birthed the spirit of missions into her soul.
Ken & Ginny,
Jesus woke me up at 4:00 am in the morning here in Kansas City to pray for your family. You all were on my mind and have been ever since. I have since found out that you had a family member that recently passed away. We are praying for you all and send our condolences. Your Africa pictures are gorgeous and you all look so happy there. I will continue to pray for you all and may God bless you all abundantly!
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masimundus semikonecolori
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