This village was different than what we had seen in the past, beautiful palm and coconut trees lined the road we traveled. At times it seemed that the truck would topple over from the extreme terrain.
Women sold fish and vegetables from the side of the road. There was barely enough room to pass.
They live on less than 2.00 per day.
We were in awe of the conditions here, no electricity, no running water, the homes were modest at best. Most consisted of mud huts with thatch roofs.The streets were clean, and children played.
Around different areas there were wooded or stone idols. There is a great deal of Fetish worship that goes on in these villages. A tradition that has gone on for several thousand years.
The chief from the village came with his delegation to our service; from the picture you can tell he enjoyed himself. I preached about your faith will always make room for you. It came from the story of the 4 men who lowered the lame man down through a hole in the roof to get to Jesus; it is so true that God always makes room for our needs.
We were able to pray for these men. The chief came in contact with the King of Kings that day!
After the service Gin and I were invited to a pastors home for some refreshments. We enjoyed coconut milk together. After the milk was finished the coconut was opened and we ate the coconut meat from it. Awesome!
Gin and I, through the grace of God, have found where we are the most happiest; among our brothers and sisters in West Africa.
We appreciate your continued financial support. Without it we would not be here.
In Great African Love,
Ken and Gin
God bless the 2 of you. You will never know how proud I am to call you daughter and son. Your work in Africa is such a blessing to those poor unfortunate people. You seem to be bringing much joy into their lives. God is working wonders through you. You both look so happy. I am content knowing that you are doing what you feel you are called to do. I miss having you nearer to me but I know that you are as close as the nearest computer. I love you all, Mom
I'm loving all the pictures!! and I love hearing all the wonderful things thats going on over there! Love and miss you guys!
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