We arrived safely in Lome, Togo Tuesday eve just as the sun went down. It was exciting to see the country that God has asked us to go to. The people are beautiful and welcomed us with grand smiles.
A lost piece of luggage showed up tonight. Praise the Lord! In it contained 2 cameras, a video recorder, Gin's contact lens' (for a year), and some of her clothing. This was our first miracle.
Our second miracle will be if French, we will start our lessons on Monday. Oui, Oui!
Our home is comfortable. We are in a very African neighborhood, but feel safe behind the walls, guard dogs, and a night watchman. This is a country of "locks". We have locks on cabinets, refrigerator, doors, windows, Locks, Locks, Every are Locks!
Cold showers wake us up every morning, or take our breath away every eve since we do not have hot water. (but is 95 degrees here you know) They say the heat will come next month... 100-115 degrees. So who needs hot water anyhow!
One nice little blessing, is the monkey that hangs out in the lawn. He swings around the banana tree. Yes, this real Africa.
We are excited to see what God has planned for us this next year. I am confident that He has gone before us to make a way for marvelous things!
In Great African Christian Love,
Gin and Ken