Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We live in a world of accumulation and at times I find myself evaluating the things that I hold in my hands. The old cliche demands the question, “Is the cup half empty or half full?”, does not exactly pertain to my writing this evening.

I say, “Lord, empty me. Pour me out. Take from me that which keeps me from you. Empty me completely of me.”

Walking through a village east of Ouagadougou arrested my thoughts. The huts were basic, no running water, no electricity, no furniture, no beds. I was invited inside to find just a few mud buildings and mats on the floor for sleeping. There appeared to be just the bare essentials for life.

It was empty. It was void of any western amities. The villagers had never heard of a microwave or internet. They did not know what it was like to take a hot shower, or to have clothes that smelled like fabric softener. It had never occurred to them that there were cruise ships that could carry you to far away islands, where food was unending and ports were full of trinkets to buy.

This village had not experienced fullness.

It was empty. The difference between that village and me was that I am full. I am full of culture, full of vain ideas, full of self, yes full of me.

“Lord, take me to a place of emptiness. Not void of your Spirit, just void of myself.”

We live in a world of accumulation. We constantly are adding ideas, plans, programs, self promotion and even self affirmation.

Walk among an empty village.

Hear the sounds of children singing.

Smell the cut of fresh corn.

Sit with the Chief of the village.

Breath in every feeling. Experience emptiness.

How is your cup? Is it half empty of half full?

1 comment:

Izzy said...

It's full after reading this! I love your blogs!

So I took a Zumba class last night and I am thinking I could come assist y'all as the rumba something or for you? It does me! I hear the calling! haha.

Love you!!