Tuesday, April 22, 2008

God Still Moves Over the Waters

God Does Move Over the Waters

In Gen 1:1 the Bible says that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

This scripture came alive to me yesterday after enjoying a glorious day in the presence of God. I traveled about 45 kilometers to a small village/town called Akoumapa. The congregation was small in number, but large in worship. In the Old Testament it talks about David when he brought back the Ark from Obed-Edom. David danced wildly before the ark and rejoiced. He was elated to have the presence of God back. It was obvious that there was a spirit of rejoicing among this small group of saints. With every song the Spirit of God began to move over the service.

Great Grace was moving among us.

Bonito, our usual taxi driver was not available so he sent his older brother to drive me to the village. He was quiet and did not say much as we journeyed down the road. As we approached the church he told me that he was hungry and would pick me up after the service. Within a few minutes I watched him slip into the back of the church before I began to preach. The Spirit of God began to move upon him.

The temperature was about 100 degrees in that small building so you can image I was absolutely soaked to the bone after preaching and praying for people. We jumped in the car loaded with coconuts, pineapples and oranges given to us by the villagers. Needing something cold to drink I asked the driver to stop so that we could get something to drink. We sat at an outside café and the Spirit of God began to move.

The word of God began to speak to him and told him that he needed to be baptized in Jesus Name. His response, “Oh, can we do it right now? I need to be baptized immediately!”

To make a long story longer, I called Pastor Koffe and we took him and 5 others to the Ocean and baptized them in Jesus Name.

The Spirit of God Hovered over that vast ocean as He washed away the sins of an obedient taxi driver.

(Please pray for Bonito, our friend and taxi driver, his son died this week. He was only 2 1/2 years old. He became sick on Monday and passed away on Tuesday. I think he may have had cerebral malaria. The family is devastated. Bonito has buried a brother, sister and now his youngest son within just a months time. They are in need of the great grace of the Lord.)

Africa needs the help of God.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Anaho Baptism

The town of Anaho Togo is located on the banks of the Atlantic Ocean, which in turn pours into Lac Togo. This Lac is the epicenter for Fetish/Voodoo worship. The spirits of this area are strong and not to be taken lightly. We recently took a boat across Lac Togo and was told of the various beliefs. They are steeped in satanic worship. Is is said that the spirit of the snake rules the lake.

I am here to proclaim differently. Jesus Christ has all things under His feet, including the spirits of Lac Togo.

We were going to the Lake to baptise 9 people in Jesus Name. It was a glorious day for the Kingdom of God. The water was clear and free of debris.

The pastor stepped out of the water immediately after the baptism. Suddenly a mass of sludge moved across the water. This sludge had the smell of stagnant water and death.

Directly in front of this sludge a snake led the way. It was evident that there was a manifestation of the spirit of this area.

I am glad that we know the true and living God!

There is power in the Name of Jesus!

Even the spirits of this world must stand and wait for the salvation of souls before they can cross the water.

Lomé Togo Crusade

We recently held a crusade in the city of Lome, Togo.

Great faith was among the area churches. An estimated 50,000 fliers were passed out on the streets. The churches did a tremendous job preparing for this event.
The greeters were in position, the follow-up team was ready to capture names and addresses and the singers sang to the glory of God.

People began to fill the field where the crusade was to take place. For three nights we had an average of 3000 in attendance. When the alter calls were made they literally ran to the front hoping to receive something from the Lord.

The bible says that every man is given a measure of faith. The faith that brought them to the front made room for them in the presence of God. There were too many people for us to pray for individually so the people began to pray for one another.

In His mercy and Grace, God filled over 330 with His Spirit, and over 300 were healed instantly. Those who came with lameness walked home without their canes! Those who came burdened down with the weight of the world, danced in the presence of the King of Kings.
He is faithful to hear the cries of the people.

Lome, Togo will never be the same. The hand of God has left His fingerprints on the people.
Please continue to pray that God will continue His favor in Togo and Burkina Faso.
Thank you for your continued financial support. Without it we could not serve in this great land.
In Great African Love,
Ken and Gin